Let's face it, everyone wants cash. Cash would be ideal in every situation. Cash is the best case scenario when selling a home. But getting full market price with today's rates, AND a cash offer? thats just not all that realistic all of the time.
So what happens when a home is not selling? do we keep price dropping and renewing listing agreements at the expense of the seller? I got a better solution..
Creative finance offers, as unconventional and sometimes inconvenient as they can be, these can actually provide a way for a seller to not lose money, or at least have to tap into their own pockets to be able to sell.
Creative finance offers require an open minded approach, mostly because the intricacies are not widely known. But what is creative finance? Basically, any sale structure that does not involve an arm's length transaction. A creative finance structure can be a seller financed purchase, or a subject to the loan type of transaction, among many others. Reality is, if it's for sale, it's negotiable.
There are many ways to structure these strategies, but first let's look into the pros and cons.